Resourceful Living

Lead Organisation

Resourceful Living

Case Study Background

It is estimated that by 2049-50 the consumption of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in Australia will exceed 1.7 million tonnes, more than double the current rate of consumption. In 2020-21 only 17.9% of HDPE was recovered, meaning the majority of Australia’s HDPE waste is landfilled or exported overseas. Resourceful living is increasing the recovery rate of HDPE, transforming plastic waste into statement furniture pieces. In just two years they have successfully recycled 20 tonnes of plastic waste, including from large corporations like Valiant Hire and Specsavers.

The Vision

Resourceful living has this year commenced a new project in partnership with Hunter New England Health (HNEH). NSW hospitals are estimated to generate 52,400 tonnes of waste per year (much of which is HDPE) costing the NSW Government at least $16m in disposal. Resourceful Living’s project with HNEH aims to recycle waste from the health industry into new products that can be sold to the public, reducing waste produced and disposal cost to the NSW Government.

Benefits and Results

Since the inception of their new collaboration with HNEH, Resourceful Living have, via a monthly collection, accepted and transformed 200 kg of plastic waste from surgical waste, needle caps, bottles, tubes, renal dialysis unit waste, and NICU waste. This waste has been used to create pots, 20 of which have been sold to the public. Resourceful Living are hoping to expand the project in the future, broadening the types of products produced from the waste collected from HNEH. Further, the products made, like all those produced by Resourceful Living, have nothing added to them so that they can be returned at the end of life to be recycled again. In fact, Resourceful Living can transform HDPE plastic into new products up to 10 times.

To find out more, head to Resourceful Living’s website today!